Download NVIS SDP Agents

Download NVIS SDP Agents to the device you want to secure.
For the best experience install NVIS SDP Agents on the computer you want to control.

  • Desktop
  • Mobile

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Get the full VNC-RDP-PCoIP experience

Remote Viewers and Remote Servers are designed to work best together. Use them both to experience enhanced security, more reliable connections, and access to exclusive features within NVIS.

Remote Viewer
without NVIS

Remote Viewer with

Download NVIS SDP Agents
Full end-to-end session encryption No Yes
Works with Dynamic IP (without NAT or port-forwarding) No Yes
Advanced multi-factor authentication No Yes
Cloud & Direct (LAN) connectivity No Yes
No geolocation and real IP address hiding No Yes
Performance boost from less network overhead No Yes

Get started in three easy steps


1. Download

Download and install NVIS on your desktop-server.


2. Sign in/up

Sign in or Create an account (and claim a free 14-day trial license).

step 3

3. Setup and Connect

Add NVIS to your remote devices and connect.

See how easy NVIS SDP Agents are to deploy and use

  • How to get started

NVIS SDP Agents Description

t's easy to secure your hybrid workforce with NVIS


Tutorial: How to get started with NVIS for perimeter security

Starting to use NVIS couldn’t be easier. You just need to create an account and get a free trial (no credit card required).

This video will show you how to provide unattended access to your Windows, Linux or Mac computer.

You will now be able to control your computer easily from anywhere in the world. If you want to continue to use the software after the 14-day trial, you can continue to do so seamlessly after buying a subscription.

Frequently asked questions

Didn’t find the answer you were after? Check out our Help Center for more FAQs, technical docs and how-to guides.

Check out our Help Center for the SHA256 checksums list

Just run the installer on the device you want to control from and follow the instructions, or there’s MSIs for remote deployment under Windows. If you don’t have permission to install NVIS SDP Agents on desktop platforms, choose the standalone option.

If you have a keyboard and mouse in front of you, use them as you would normally. If you’re on a mobile device, then your touchscreen acts as a mouse trackpad, with gestures mapped to mouse buttons. See the on-board help!

No. NVIS SDP Agents is always free to use. Just accept the EULA the first time you run.

Start with the FAQ.

Try NVIS today for free

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